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Case Studies

More than just great listing videos

We are a full scale strategic video marketing agency

The Tedesco Tea

Amplified Kailee Tedesco's real estate brand through 'The Tedesco Tea', driving Instagram engagement and leads

In July 2023, we launched The Tedesco Tea, a captivating video content series designed to showcase Southern California's unique communities. This initiative, led by local real estate expert Kailee Tedesco, resulted in a noticeable increase in direct messages and leads through Instagram. Here's how ALT Content Agency helped shape this successful journey

See Case Study

The Gordon Guide

A Case Study in Driving Engagement and Generating Organic Leads

The Gordon Guide is an engaging video series hosted by local expert Jake Gordon, providing unique insights into neighborhoods, businesses, and attractions. Launched in July 2022, the series has experienced a remarkable 20-fold increase in monthly engagement and generated over 40% more organic leads, establishing it as a trusted resource for audiences seeking valuable content and fostering meaningful connections across California.

See Case Study

Ready to level up your content?

We’re on the hunt for real estate agents looking to up their game with remarkable online video content.